2025 |
All puppies visiting friends
This is great fun!!
2024 |
Professor Leo is wondering what is this white ting??
OK it is snow, well it is very cold.
My name is Nørskov’s Sir Lancelot Von Goggen, but mum say "Bucky" and I am a beutifull boy
Hei I love to have my photo taken.
Debussy is wondering who are they?
We are Goggens puppies born 10th of October 2024, hellow to you.
Visiting Charlotte and her lovely litter 5th of Desember
and a rest where in its place after all the cuddling.
Choco had 5 lovly puppies 10th of October 3 boys and 2 girls
At the photo they are 2,5 weeks, born in Denmark
Choco from kennel norskov.dk is matched with sperm from Noble Melody`s Greve Giotto McCæsar 10th of August "Goggen".
I cross my fingers for a fine litter medio Ocktober.
Goggen 10 mondths
Goggen 5 years
Debussy loves to take his sunbath
Debussy is waiting for his walk
2023 |
Glede died 31.5.23 from Artrosis in her body.
Debyssy is missing his girlfriend Glede
2022 |
To day 12th of October I am 7 years and hope for some godies
Happy birthday to Glede from Debussy.
Debussy loves flowers
Glede and Debussy in the garden
Debyssy`s sister Carrie in Finland
Debyssy`s brother Mr.Big in Singapore
Debussy 1 year 8th of March
Congratulation with 1 years birthday
Debussy 10 months
Glede in her 7th year
2021 |
Debussy`s sister Carrie Bradshaw 7 months
Debussy`s brother Steve Brady 7 months
Debussy 7 months in October.
Glede 6 years old
Debussy 6 mondths
Glede looking for Debyssy
Debussy at home inspecting the outdoors.
Debussy in the garden for the first time
2020 |
Maestros brother, Johansin is 9 years 29th of October
Glede love to have Johansin in the garden, but gets a bit tired
Lisbeth and Shanty 22.March 2020
Lisbeth and Shanty 14.July.
Shanty died 3.August 2020 from old age. |
2019 |
Shanty is 13 years 13th of December Hurra!!
Torjus loves to be at service and Shanty enjoy the carry.
Glede june 2019
Johansin, Johan and Margaret visiting 8.10.19.
Happy New Year from Glede
Happy New Year from Shanty
2018 |
Shanty 12 years 13th of December 2018
Glede 3 years old.
Chow Chow party 19th of july 2018, Johansin where courtesing the ladies.
Glede and Elvira where charmed and had a good eye to him.
Noble Melody`s Keira Lane
Keira died 7th of Juni 2018 from old age.
Shanty anbd Geir. Shanty loves it.
Shanty april 2018 at the age of 11,5 year
At last - snow WHOW - Glede loves it.
This is fun...
Sunny Pie`s Apollon the Maestro died 12th of December 2017
He died during the operation from ilius. (tarmslyng)
Maestro loved life.
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shanty
Shanty is 11 years 13th of December. Congratulation
Klondike Mr.Ranchman "Lucas"
Lucas died 2nd of November
Glede 2 years 12th of October
Maestro 6 years 29th of October
Noble Meleody`s Limelight Spider ""Doffen".
Doffen died 2. of October 2017
Noble Melody`s Karlos del Canto "Elvis" |
Elvis died 10. of August 2017 from old age. |
Noble Melody`s Karuso Imperial |
Karuso died 20th of May 2017 from old age. |
Glede in the garden 23rd of April 2017 |
Maestro looking out for Glede |
Noble Melody`s Jasper de Boy died 20th of April 2017 from old age |
Shanty on holyday 15th of April 2017 |
Noble Melodt`s Limelight Spider "Doffen" 10 years 13.12.16 |
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shanty "Shanty" 10 years 13.12.16 |
Noble Melody`s Keira Lane 11 years 9th of Novemer 2016 |
Keira 11 years |
Noble Melody`s Jasper de Boy died 20th of April 2017
Stagebo`s Good Day Sunshine "Glede" 6 months
Ibsen from Norway died 27.1.2016 from old age.
Glede and Maestro are playing 13th of February
Glede 10 weeks
Glede 10 weeks
Shanty 9 years 13th of December
Doffen 9 years 13th of December
Noble Melody`s Jaqui Lane died from old age 30th of October 2015 |
Maestro 4 years 29th of October |
Kikki Lane died July 2015. Her heart stoped |
Kikki Lane and Marjaliisa |
Maestro and Margaret July 2015
Maestro August 2015
Ibsen 11 years and his new friend Elvira 8 months
Ibsen 11 years and his new friend Elvira 8 months
Limelight Shadow (Leo) born 13th of December 2006
HD:? AA:? died 29th of April 2015 from canser in his stomac |
Jiggen Mac-Li /Teddy) born 19th of October 2004
died 6th of August 2014 from Arthroses. |
Lemonpie LuciaHD:A AA: E born 13th December 2006
died 13th of August 2014 from arthroses in her leg. |
Noble Melody`s Joleen Lane, born 19th of October 2004.
HD: A and AA:A She died 19th of May from Artroses in her back. |
Noble Melody`s Kita Lane, born 9th of November 2005.
HD: A/B and AA:C/E She died 10th of March from
Medial patellalukasjon on left hindleg and doubtful patellastatus on the right hindleg.
She had great pain in her forlegs and hindlegs. |
Noble Melody`s Jaxon the Kee, born 19.10.2004
HD: A and AA: C He died 5th of March 2014 at the age of 9,4 years, from arthrose in
his back.
He sired 4 puppies and one of them is my Sunny Pie`s Apollon the Maestro. |
Noble Melody`s Kathinka Lane HD: A and AA: A
died 7. december 2013.
She had problems with her legs and was in big pain. |
Stagebo`s Penny Lane
died 5th of June from old age.
She had 14 puppies from 2 litters, and 12 of them are still of good
Norway`s birthday 17th of may
Maestro and Penny enjoy the garden
Jersey Lane HD: A and AA: C died 18th of April 2013. She injured her right paw, and
where unable to walk. She got akupunktur, Previcox anv Arthri-Dog,
but nothing helped her. The last days, she just slept, did not eat
og drink water. Jersey Lane was 8,5 year.
This winter have been lovely for my chows.
They play together in the garden.
When I call them to come indoors, they just look at me and say:
Not now - we have so much fun.
Well - I think - perhaps just a little time longer.
Who is the boss ?? I wonder......
Noble Melody`s Gracefull Lady Lotta, born 18.2.2000, died 11th of
December 2012 from old age.
She was a sister of Noble Melody`s Greve Giotto McCæsar "Goggen"
who died 27h of September 2011.
Sunny Pie`s Apollon the Maestro 1 year
He is a lovely boy and send his wishes for a nice burthday to his
Sunny Pie`s Ares the Black King * Ares
Sunny Pie`s Aragorn the Protector * Johansin
Sunny Pie`s Aslan the Great Lion * Aslan
Penny Lane 11 years
6 of her children (Jersey Lane and her brothers and sisters) was 8
years 19th of October.
The other 7 is 7 years 9th of November:
Kikki Lane, lives in Finland Kharlos del Canto, lives in Sweden
Karuso Imperial, lives in Sweden Klondike Mr. Ranchman,
lives in Sweden Kathinka Lane, lives in Norway Keira
Lane, lives in Norway Kita Lane, lives in Norway She
is also a proud grandmother of 4 grandchildren.
Kikki Lane 7 years old
Penny Lane is very proud of her 13 children.
This photo is taken on her 11th birthday
Jersey 8 years
Jersey Lane is very poud of her brothers and sisters, and wish them
all a very happy burthday:
Jaxon de Kee, lives in Kalandseidet outside Bergen
Jasper de Boy, lives in Skjetnemarka together with Teddy
Jiggen Mac-Li (Teddy)
Jaqui Lane, lives in Drammen
Joleen Lane, lives in Halden
17th of MAY 2012 -
is Norway`s burthday. We show the world that we care about each other
and have respect for our country.
We must hold hands and show the world that we have faith og love -
and at the same time be a witness to the cruelty that happend 22.7.2011.
I am proud of the people of Norway.
Let us have a nice 17th of May and at the same time - have a silent
moment for those who lost their familymembers and friends 22.7.2011.
Unfortunate Jersey lost her eye, playing in the garden. I do not know
how she managed to hurt herself like this. She came back to me with
her tail down and I found a smal damage in her eye. The vet told me
that nature will cure it, but after one week it suddenly got worse.
There where a hole into the "eyegele" and an operation was necessery.
Well, she have now only one eye, but lives very well with it, but
had some difficultys to orientate herself in the beginning.
Sunny Pie`s Apollon the Maestro, born 29th og October 2011.
are now integrated in the Noble Melody`family.
Father: Noble Melody`s Jaxon the Kee.
Mother: Bellavos Black Miss Moneypenny
His aunt Jersey Lane and his grandmother Penny Lane
loves to play with him in the garden.
You find more about him under Chows
Jersey is 7 years old, 19th of October.
Congratulations to all her brothers and sisters at Noble Melody`s
Sisters: Jaqui Lane; Joleen Lane; and
Brothers: Jaxon de Kee; Jasper de Boy and
Jiggen Mac-Li (Teddy)
Noble Melody´s Jersey Lane and her son Noble Melody`s Shanty.
They had a lovely time on saturday the 8th of Ocktober. In spite the
cold water they had to take a bath.
Noble Melody`s Klondike Mr. Ranchman "Lucas"
is living in Sweden together with chow chow Oleman.
They are very good friends and mum Toril takes them with her whereever
she goes.
Noble Melody`s Kia Lane (KITA)
Loves to be with her family. Her photos taken in July at their summerholyday,
and one of her just taken a bath and well groomed in September.
Noble Melody`s Ibsen from Norway
was 7 Years in August. He is a lovely dog and lives together with
Lucia and their son Alfredo. More info. about Ibsen at :
Noble Lucia.com
Shanty has been on a long jurney
(5 weeks) to Europa together with dad: Geir and mum: Lisbeth in their
new caravan. On the farries Shanty behaved like a "man of the world"
and walked aroundon with his hed up high. He enjoyed the attention
from the other passenger very much. Geir have taken lots and lots
of photos, and here is one of Shanty.
Penny Lane had an Pyometra-operation
9th of June. She is now back |
on her feet again but I want to show you the picture taken by her vet.
Jersey - Penny and Goggen are having great fun in the garden.
Goggen will be 12 years in February 2012, Penny Lane 10 years and
Jersey 7 years, both in October 2011.
Thet are all in good health and love each others company. I am very
fortunate to have them all at this ages, and cross
my fingers that they will be with me for a very long time.
.Goggen is celebrating Norway on the
national birthday 17th of May 2011
Noble Melody`s Karuso Imperial lives in Bjârred outside Malmø and
in Easter flowers are already showing beautiful colors. Karuso loves
to sniff them and lay down among them.
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shadow (Leo)
love to play in the snow, and a god squeeze.
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shanty. I was invited to his fourth
birthday 13.12.2001 and we had a lovely time.
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shadow (Leo)24th of December
Karusi Imperial loves children and watching TV and Christmas together
with them.
From Sweden:
Alfredo..... gikk på våran kurs i Rallylydnad. Vi tävlade med
våra hundar. Vi var 10 stycken som gick en bana och gick på tid. Det
var 15 olika stationer där vi skulle göra olika uppgifter. ALFREDO
kom på ANDRA plats och de fel som uppstod var mattes fel som inte
förstod skyltarna ordentligt eller genomförde momentet på rätt sätt
så nu kan Alfredo gå vidare men matte får sitta kvar och lära sig
bättre. http://www.rally-lydnad.se/
chow chow meeting 9th of May
We had a wonderful time at HUK in Bærum, Norway. Elaine and Stefan
came all the way from Sweden with Ibsen from Norway, Lemonpie Lucia
and Amico Alfredo. Yvonne and Heiko came with lovely Amico Arnaldo
(Naldo), Marit Ramberg with beautiful Keira Lane, and Geir and Lisbeth
with lovely Limelight Shanty. It was so good for me to se them all.
Ibsen - son from Rosa. Lucia daughter and Shanty son of Jersey Lane.
Alfredo and Naldo both sons from Lucia and Ibsen. Three generations
- and all of them in very good condiotion.
Geir had taken some lovely photos and here is one where we all was
Congratulation to Elaine and Stefan Pavia at Kennel Noble Lucia:
Int dog chow Malmö 20.03.10:
Noble Melody`s Ibsen from Norway went Best dog 3 exellent
Noble Melody`s Ibsen from Norway
Congratulation to Elaine and Stefan Pavia at Kennel Noble Lucia:
Int dog chow Malmö 20.03.10:
Noble Melody`s Lemonpie Lucia west Best bitch 4 exellent.
Noble Melody`s Lemonpie Lucia
Keira Lane has come to visit her parents Goggen and Penny Lane, and
her sister Jersey Lane. They all have a lovely time in the sunny weather.
10th of March 2010
Noble Melody`s Kaiza Lane born 05.11.2005 HD : A and AA: A
was put to sleep 22.02.2010
Noble Melody`s Jaxon de Kee has got a new friend :
Bellavos Black Miss Moneypenny born 12.11.2009.
They have already a great time together.
You can follow them at : SunnyPie
- and
see where Moneypenny where born: Bellavos.dk
Moneypenny 4 months
At Noble Lucia
Noble Melody`s Lemonpie Lucia and Noble Melody`s Ibsen from Norway
are parents to 3 lovely puppies. They are now 5 months.
Noble Lucia Amico Antonio (Balder) and
Noble Lucia Amico Arnaldo (Naldo)
Noble Lucia Amico Alfredo
My dear Rosa, born 12.04.1998 died of old age 19.11.2009. She was
Goggens mother ond Jerseys grandmother.
She had a lovely personality and I loved her very much. |
Noble Mleody`s: Ibsen from Norway
and Lemonpie Lucia:
27th of July puppies where born at NobleLucia.
Mother: Noble Melody`s Lemonpie Lucia
Father: Noble Melody`s Ibsen from Norway
Their father Ibsen is a responsible father and take the work very
Here you se Amico Alfredo eating porridge. For more info. take a look
at : noblelucia
Noble Melody`s Limelight Shanty
went Norwegian Champion 31.01.2009.
Owners: Lisbeth and Geir Brynildsen, Oslo.
This summer they went abroad and Shanty loved it.
I have had 4 breedergroups with HP:
03.05.08 NKK, Kristiansand S Jugde Theo Leenen
14.06.08 NCCK, Finnskogen Jugde Kathleen Ridding
27.07.08 Moss/Omegn H.kl. Jugde Mona K. Selbach
21.11.08 NKK, Hamar Jugde Marianne Holmlie